Kanai Lal Electric Sitar

Kanai Lal Travel Sitar with a state of the art on board microphone system and hard shelled fiberglass case.

The Will Marsh Music Professional Electric Sitar utilizes the Kanai Lal Travel Sitar with a state of the art on-board microphone system. A highly sensitive microphone is mounted internally beneath the sitar’s main bridge. The on-board unit features a direct 1/4″ jack, a master volume control knob and a 9v battery to power the internal preamp. This means you can plug into and play on any speaker without the need of phantom power or a mixer. This system is also excellent for Direct-In recording as it captures a crystal clear and well-balanced sound of all the sitar’s strings. This is the only professional-quality electric sitar available on the market.

Weight: 264 oz

Shipping Dimensions: 18 × 6 × 45 in

Includes: Instrument + Custom-Fitted Hard Shell Fiberglass Case

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